Due to the large number of people who have questions, and the fact that this site is maintained in our spare time, we are unable to personally answer most queries.
The most common question we get is "how do I get them to stop?" The simplest way is to purchase a device to filter these calls out. See Devices to stop junk faxes.
If you'd like to find out who is sending you the junk faxes and are willing to pay a modest fee to find out, see the "hire an expert" section at Who sent this fax?.
The goal of is to be a self-sustaining organization that pursues lawsuits against junk faxes and causes them to stop violating the laws. Profits from each case and re-invested in pursuing other cases. By having people assign faxes to us for very low cost, we can increase the amount of money we can use to pursue these cases. To minimize costs, cases are researched, then farmed out to lawyers on a contingency basis who follow the procedure in step #10 of Junkfax- How To Get Even.
We also are getting into e-mail spam. If you'd like to help out, take our 30 second survey: Anti-spam filter user survey